Welcome to Clinton

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Retired educators, Cindi Norris and Denise Scronce opened the first franchise of the popular bakery, Burney’s Sweets and More, on September 16, 2014 in downtown Clinton. Thomas, Doris, Michael and Gina Burney, owners of the Elizabethtown and Southport locations, decided to venture out and sell franchising rights to the two sisters, answering their prayers for staying busy after retiring from a combined 67 years of teaching.

The idea to open a bakery-style business began after Norris’ home based business began growing, and she realized she was going to have to expand into a new location. She had been creating goodies such as cake pops, cookie pops, gourmet pretzels and lollipops for her business, “How Sweet It Is.”


Both sisters were familiar with Burney’s from weekend visits at White Lake, and they approached them with the business idea. It wasn’t the first time the Burney’s had been approached, but up until the sisters’ visit, they had declined to begin any type of partnership with anyone with previous requests. After much praying, from both families, the Burneys decided to sell the two sisters a franchise. 

With a couple of sites in mind to start this new venture, the sisters began making contacts to no avail. Their final destination on Vance Street, located in the heart of downtown Clinton’s courthouse square, was perfect…nothing short of divine intervention!

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Since the business was a family endeavor, the next task was to set the mood so that you walked away feeling like a part of the famiy too. To celebrate part of the family that would have loved this venture, a logo was created with a bluebird, a memorial tribute to Dawn Cannady (the third sister who passed away from cancer). The bluebird is carried out through the décor as well. “You’ll see family faces working in  here,” Scronce said. “From cooking, to cake making, to serving customers, nearly every single member of the family has helped out at the Clinton location. We are a family oriented business. Not only that, we want everyone to see this is a Christ centered family and business. If customers come in and don’t feel a connection to us through our employees actions and comments, we haven’t achieved our goal.”

For both sisters, this new endeavor was a dream coming to light. “We both had dreams and when we put them together, along with the Burney’s, it just made everything that much sweeter,” said Norris!

Come and Visit
Burney’s Sweets and More of Clinton

107 Vance Street
Clinton, NC 28328


Elizabethtown Feature